Dang Shen Increases Blood Circulation – Healing Blends

Dang Shen Increases Blood Circulation

Codonopsispilosula also known as Dang Shen

Dang Shen

Dang Shen has long been researched and shown to have anti-inflammatory, blood-building, and pain-relieving properties. This safe and effective herb was shown to help patients with coronary heart disease significantly increasing platelet aggregation and decreasing the risk of scarring. With the increase of platelets more oxygen travels through the heart and body, allowing for more rapid healing. 

Main chemical constituents of Dang Shen include sterols, Codonopsine, codonopsispilosula polysaccharides, Codonolactone, alkaloids, inorganic elements, amino acids, trace elements, and so on.

Dang Shen benefits

Modern research found that it contains a variety of sugars, phenols, volatile oil, baicaleinglucosinolates, and trace alkaloids, which can:

  • Enhance immunity
  • Dilate blood vessels
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improve microcirculation
  • Enhance hematopoietic function
  • Improves the leukopenia induced by chemotherapy and radiotherapy

Popular Dang Shen-related herbal remedies

Dang Shen uses and indications include deficiency in lung and spleen, shortness of breath and heart palpitations, reduced appetite, loose stools, deficient asthma and cough, and heat diabetes.

This herb also enriches the blood, which make it an awesome medicine for failure of hematogenesis due to deficiency or abnormality of body fluids metabolism because of blood deficiency. The typical symptoms include pale or sallow complexion, fatigue, dizziness, palpitations, and so on. Dang-Shen supplements and promotes the production of body fluid when subjected to excessive heat, perspiration, lassitude, vexation and thirst.

Dang Shen and Healing Blends® Global

With Dang Shen’s effectiveness in enriching the blood and circulation. We at Healing Blends® Global have been scientifically testing it further and extracting its nutriceuticals with the highest concentration ratios available in order to create an effective natural medicine for chronic pain. Dang Shen can be found in EvenFlo and CalmTense.

Potential Dang Shen side effects and contraindications

Dang Shen root has low toxicity and can be taken for long periods of time.


TCM Treatment
Yin Yang House Theory
Chinese Herbs
Chinese Herbs Healing

Photo: By ProjectManhattan (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

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