Chaz L.
Honestly I haven’t had a crisis in a while and I have energy to do things
Diana A.
Sent it to Ghana ,my brother was happy send all the pains especially his back are all gone.He was so appreciative of it
Tammara B.
My son is doing well with the product.
To be honest I am very very disappointed client. They even partially refunded me instead of refunding me fully.
Jennet Awanayah A.
I buy it for my niece who has sickle cell and since she started using it, she has had one crises episode, ahe has been usingvit for about 4 years now.
Olubunmi A.
Even flo is the best
Excellent daily maintenance supplement for myself, health & overall well being. I have sickle cell anemia disease & while I do get monthly scheduled red cell exchanges, normally I still experience some pain here and there in between appointments. Since I’ve started taking this supplement I rarely have those aches and pains in between. Hopefully pain crisis' are a thing of the past!
Kenneth L.
My wife has sickle cell anemia & the Healing Blend makes a significant difference in easing her discomfort during periods of crisis.
Linda M.
The supplements have helped our daughter has not been in hospital for a year now.
Kindiana T.
Best product out there
This stuff is heaven sent. My son was having crisis that usually last 9 days sometimes. After giving him 2 doses doing the every 2 hour thing and he was up walking around after a lil over 4 hours. ❤️❤️
Jerrell M.
Bought for my son, who has SC sickle cell. He has been getting frequent pains in his joints. So I thought I'd let him try this. He has yet to try it, as he doesn't live with me. Once he's given me feedback, I'll leave a product up date. What I can say is that it arrived quickly and nicely packaged.
The medications has been so helpful for my nice ailment. Less hospitalization.
Monique M.
My son was born with sickle cell anemia and has been taking EvenFlo for seven years now. I must say, it has reduced a lot of time spent in the hospital. He’s more energetic and less likely to have numerous pain crisis. #EvenFloForLife
Atarah I.
My children has been using Evenflo for three years and it has been absolutely amazing.
Merci pour l'opportunité de partager mon opinion. Mon nom c'est Fatou, Je reçois les supplements de la part de ma soeur en Virginia( moi, je vis en Cote d'Ivoire- Ivory Coast ). Cela fait plus d'un an que je l'utilise. Depuis lors, mais crises ne sont plus trop frequentes,et ne durent pas trop comme avant. Neanmoins, malgré que je double la dose lors de mes crises,les douleurs demeurent et persistent. J'aimerai donc avoir votre opinion sur ce que peux faire pour gerer les douleurs pendant les crises. Peut être d'autres supplements a ajouter?
Merci bien.
You are best always delivered the package in time .
Diana A.
Gives me energy and strength
Constance M.
My daughter has been using evenflo frm 6months old now she will be turning 5 yrs in august I is very healthy and doesn’t have any crisis. I recommend evenflo to anyone living with SCD
David Williams W.
I believe this is an awesome find. I am very grateful for the work that was put in for this supplement and the favt that it can specifically target my young sickle cell warrrior. I think that the price is also fair.
Great supplement
Great product, make packs of 2 and 3
Seymour T.
I found this supplement while searching the web and it has changed everything! Growing up with sickle-cell anemia SS has been difficult at times. I started to take 2 pills just when i was feeling minor body pains. After about a month of taking the pills maybe 3 times a week i had one of my annual 4 month doctor visits. Well to I and my doctors surprise, My hemoglobin count was the highest it had ever been. I am usually between 9 and 10 but because of this supplement, i am now between 12 and 13. My doctor is even recommending this now after I showed him what I have been talking to boost my blood count! Great Product for not just sickle-cell but anyone looking to boost their blood count.
Vanessa U.
We started Evenflo for our son (8 yrs old) in October 2019 and it was the best decision we ever made. Our hospital admissions have reduced by 95%; we have seen the impact to the severity of pain and the frequency of crisis. Consistency is key; you do need to take this regularly to see an impact. Our sons quality of life is so much better; we feel we have some power back - we cant thank Dr Ware and Healing Blends Global enough.
John S.
I have struggled with sickle cell disease my entire life, recently the doctors told me I would have to go on monthly transfusions for the rest of my life because my body is not producing red blood cells. I started taking Even Flo 2 weeks after I received this news and it's been 4 months later, I have not had to have any transfusions, I have not had any pain crisis, I have lots of energy and living life to the fullest. I'm so thankful for Even Flo
Kandi Y.
I am a 41 year old female who has Sickle Cell Anemia SS and when I tell you this medication has CHANGED MY LIFE I mean it. I started taking this back in 2014 and it really helped me and my Sickle Cell. My son at the time was in the 7th grade and he started having a regular childhood with me not going in and out of the hospital. I got pregnant 3 years ago in 2019 and had another son who is now 27 months and I have been in the hospital only 3 times in his entire life since he’s been born. My hospitalizations have decreased from 10 days to now 7 at the most. I thank GOD everyday for Dr. Ware because of him my whole life has changed since I decided to try Evenflo.
Eugene L.
This past weekend, the weather changed Friday I was feeling great Friday morning, but later in the afternoon, I felt a change in my body, it was a crisis coming on, all of a sudden, I started taking the EvenFlo, I hurt for 2 days in my left hip and lower back, but I kept using the Evenflo, I soon came out of the pain crisis by Sunday, I pressed my way to that Sunday morning and gave God Glory, for the victory of his medicine cabinet. My body is used to EvenFlo, So Prayer and EvenFlo is my strong weapon against Sickle Cell Pain. I'm giving this testimony cause I know Evenflo works if anyone has any doubt, I've given Evenflo to friends that don't have Sickle cell disease ,but had pain in their body, they use the Evenflo and told me man that stuff worked and it gave them energy, it boosted their blood, I said thank you for the confirmation
Stephanie C.
After using EvenFlo Nutritional Supplements, I have been feeling great! I have a great deal of energy now and my aches and pains has subsided a lot. I am taking two capsules a day in place of taking 2 Hydroxyurea.
Brenda B.
I absolutely love EvenFlo my son and daughter has sickle cell and before I'd discovered this wonderful product they were in and out of the hospital but now they are living a better life. All I can say is Thank God for this amazing product!!!!!!!!!!!
Lyndsay B.
After using Even Flo for about a year now, my child has not experienced any pain and has been able to live a normal childhood! We are very thankful for this product!
Kerry L.
I have introduced at least 10 people to EvenFlo. Nine of the ten people have had almost immediate relief from chronic pain, from either sickle cell pain crisis, arthritis, or sciatica. My own teenage son has taken EvenFlo daily for nearly two years and has not suffered a sickle cell crisis since taking it. Prior to that, he was in crisis every month and hospitalized every other month due to crisis. Believe me when I say, EvenFlo is definitely a miracle in bottle. All mothers of sickle cell warriors know how helpless and heart-breaking it is to watch your baby suffer and not be able to do anything about it. I prayed for a miracle and God answered my prayers with EvenFlo (and its creator). Every sickle cell warrior or warrior mom that I introduced to EvenFlo sings its praises. Thanks Dr. Charlie Ware. I don't think you can ever know how much you have done to make our lives so much better.
Chelsea M.
I have taken EvenFlo for almost 3 months now and I cannot believe his amazing this product is. I am grateful to God and this team for giving us this amazing product.
Jametra J.
I am 44 years old and this was my first time taking EvenFlo and I will never stop. I have SCD and this is the best that I have felt in years. Thank you for helping me.
Esther E.
I found out about this product while I was in crisis pain looking for an alternative. My prescription pain killers were not working, I was still in excruciating pain, bed ridden, losing days of work due, unable to walk or function normally. Convinced my menstrual cycle was triggering my crisis. I have not had a pain episode since I started taking EvenFlo.
Robin L.
I have sickle cell trait and your products have helped me tremendously. Thank you very much Robin
Louis P.
I ordered EvenFlo and I'm very please with the results. Very pleased with the customer service.
Sakeena Haamid S.
My son use to have pain crisis every month but since we started him on the evenflo there has been no pain. His quality of life is back. I love evenflo and will continue to buy.
Ashley N.
Amazing with helping my daughter in a crisis
Priscille M.
Even Flo literally saved my son’s life! He started having crisis at 18months and since then we were admitted in the hospital every 2weeks. It was so heartbreaking to see him so small and experiencing this kind of pain. And then we heard about evenflo ! It took him 2months for his body to get used to it and since then no more crisis. He is now 3years old and have no more crisis and no more hospital admissions. We are so grateful to everyone contributing to this excellent product. I wish the world could be aware that it’s now possible with EvenFlo to leave a normal life having sickle cell. Thank you
Taneesha W.
I started taking these last month. I do not have SCD but I have SCT. I fly each week which racks havoc on my body. My first long distance trip I came back but felt lethargic the next two days. I was only doing one a day and then increased to 2x a day the day prior. The trip the next week I increased my dosage to 2 capsules twice daily for the days prior to flying and upon arriving back. No exhaustion, no muscle cramps, no joint aches and pain. I did notice pains in my feet but it was bearable. I am ordering three more bottles to get me thru my next few months of flying. I will continue the two pills a day regimine as it worked the best for me.
Kindiana T.
Yes indeed this product is amazing my son been using this for the past 7 years and it’s been keeping us out of hospital
Constance M.
My daughter looks very healthy she has been on Evenflo for 3yrs 4months. Even when she has a crisis I can easily manage it at home with Evenflo
Goddy O.
The even flo is very good for my son, he has not been having crisis as before since he started using it.
Chaz L.
Honestly I haven’t had a crisis in a while and I have energy to do things
Diana A.
Sent it to Ghana ,my brother was happy send all the pains especially his back are all gone.He was so appreciative of it
Tammara B.
My son is doing well with the product.
To be honest I am very very disappointed client. They even partially refunded me instead of refunding me fully.
Jennet Awanayah A.
I buy it for my niece who has sickle cell and since she started using it, she has had one crises episode, ahe has been usingvit for about 4 years now.
Olubunmi A.
Even flo is the best
Excellent daily maintenance supplement for myself, health & overall well being. I have sickle cell anemia disease & while I do get monthly scheduled red cell exchanges, normally I still experience some pain here and there in between appointments. Since I’ve started taking this supplement I rarely have those aches and pains in between. Hopefully pain crisis' are a thing of the past!
Kenneth L.
My wife has sickle cell anemia & the Healing Blend makes a significant difference in easing her discomfort during periods of crisis.
Linda M.
The supplements have helped our daughter has not been in hospital for a year now.
Kindiana T.
Best product out there
This stuff is heaven sent. My son was having crisis that usually last 9 days sometimes. After giving him 2 doses doing the every 2 hour thing and he was up walking around after a lil over 4 hours. ❤️❤️
Jerrell M.
Bought for my son, who has SC sickle cell. He has been getting frequent pains in his joints. So I thought I'd let him try this. He has yet to try it, as he doesn't live with me. Once he's given me feedback, I'll leave a product up date. What I can say is that it arrived quickly and nicely packaged.
The medications has been so helpful for my nice ailment. Less hospitalization.
Monique M.
My son was born with sickle cell anemia and has been taking EvenFlo for seven years now. I must say, it has reduced a lot of time spent in the hospital. He’s more energetic and less likely to have numerous pain crisis. #EvenFloForLife
Atarah I.
My children has been using Evenflo for three years and it has been absolutely amazing.
Merci pour l'opportunité de partager mon opinion. Mon nom c'est Fatou, Je reçois les supplements de la part de ma soeur en Virginia( moi, je vis en Cote d'Ivoire- Ivory Coast ). Cela fait plus d'un an que je l'utilise. Depuis lors, mais crises ne sont plus trop frequentes,et ne durent pas trop comme avant. Neanmoins, malgré que je double la dose lors de mes crises,les douleurs demeurent et persistent. J'aimerai donc avoir votre opinion sur ce que peux faire pour gerer les douleurs pendant les crises. Peut être d'autres supplements a ajouter?
Merci bien.
You are best always delivered the package in time .
Diana A.
Gives me energy and strength
Constance M.
My daughter has been using evenflo frm 6months old now she will be turning 5 yrs in august I is very healthy and doesn’t have any crisis. I recommend evenflo to anyone living with SCD
David Williams W.
I believe this is an awesome find. I am very grateful for the work that was put in for this supplement and the favt that it can specifically target my young sickle cell warrrior. I think that the price is also fair.
Great supplement
Great product, make packs of 2 and 3
Seymour T.
I found this supplement while searching the web and it has changed everything! Growing up with sickle-cell anemia SS has been difficult at times. I started to take 2 pills just when i was feeling minor body pains. After about a month of taking the pills maybe 3 times a week i had one of my annual 4 month doctor visits. Well to I and my doctors surprise, My hemoglobin count was the highest it had ever been. I am usually between 9 and 10 but because of this supplement, i am now between 12 and 13. My doctor is even recommending this now after I showed him what I have been talking to boost my blood count! Great Product for not just sickle-cell but anyone looking to boost their blood count.
Vanessa U.
We started Evenflo for our son (8 yrs old) in October 2019 and it was the best decision we ever made. Our hospital admissions have reduced by 95%; we have seen the impact to the severity of pain and the frequency of crisis. Consistency is key; you do need to take this regularly to see an impact. Our sons quality of life is so much better; we feel we have some power back - we cant thank Dr Ware and Healing Blends Global enough.
John S.
I have struggled with sickle cell disease my entire life, recently the doctors told me I would have to go on monthly transfusions for the rest of my life because my body is not producing red blood cells. I started taking Even Flo 2 weeks after I received this news and it's been 4 months later, I have not had to have any transfusions, I have not had any pain crisis, I have lots of energy and living life to the fullest. I'm so thankful for Even Flo
Kandi Y.
I am a 41 year old female who has Sickle Cell Anemia SS and when I tell you this medication has CHANGED MY LIFE I mean it. I started taking this back in 2014 and it really helped me and my Sickle Cell. My son at the time was in the 7th grade and he started having a regular childhood with me not going in and out of the hospital. I got pregnant 3 years ago in 2019 and had another son who is now 27 months and I have been in the hospital only 3 times in his entire life since he’s been born. My hospitalizations have decreased from 10 days to now 7 at the most. I thank GOD everyday for Dr. Ware because of him my whole life has changed since I decided to try Evenflo.
Eugene L.
This past weekend, the weather changed Friday I was feeling great Friday morning, but later in the afternoon, I felt a change in my body, it was a crisis coming on, all of a sudden, I started taking the EvenFlo, I hurt for 2 days in my left hip and lower back, but I kept using the Evenflo, I soon came out of the pain crisis by Sunday, I pressed my way to that Sunday morning and gave God Glory, for the victory of his medicine cabinet. My body is used to EvenFlo, So Prayer and EvenFlo is my strong weapon against Sickle Cell Pain. I'm giving this testimony cause I know Evenflo works if anyone has any doubt, I've given Evenflo to friends that don't have Sickle cell disease ,but had pain in their body, they use the Evenflo and told me man that stuff worked and it gave them energy, it boosted their blood, I said thank you for the confirmation
Stephanie C.
After using EvenFlo Nutritional Supplements, I have been feeling great! I have a great deal of energy now and my aches and pains has subsided a lot. I am taking two capsules a day in place of taking 2 Hydroxyurea.
Brenda B.
I absolutely love EvenFlo my son and daughter has sickle cell and before I'd discovered this wonderful product they were in and out of the hospital but now they are living a better life. All I can say is Thank God for this amazing product!!!!!!!!!!!
Lyndsay B.
After using Even Flo for about a year now, my child has not experienced any pain and has been able to live a normal childhood! We are very thankful for this product!
Kerry L.
I have introduced at least 10 people to EvenFlo. Nine of the ten people have had almost immediate relief from chronic pain, from either sickle cell pain crisis, arthritis, or sciatica. My own teenage son has taken EvenFlo daily for nearly two years and has not suffered a sickle cell crisis since taking it. Prior to that, he was in crisis every month and hospitalized every other month due to crisis. Believe me when I say, EvenFlo is definitely a miracle in bottle. All mothers of sickle cell warriors know how helpless and heart-breaking it is to watch your baby suffer and not be able to do anything about it. I prayed for a miracle and God answered my prayers with EvenFlo (and its creator). Every sickle cell warrior or warrior mom that I introduced to EvenFlo sings its praises. Thanks Dr. Charlie Ware. I don't think you can ever know how much you have done to make our lives so much better.
Chelsea M.
I have taken EvenFlo for almost 3 months now and I cannot believe his amazing this product is. I am grateful to God and this team for giving us this amazing product.
Jametra J.
I am 44 years old and this was my first time taking EvenFlo and I will never stop. I have SCD and this is the best that I have felt in years. Thank you for helping me.
Esther E.
I found out about this product while I was in crisis pain looking for an alternative. My prescription pain killers were not working, I was still in excruciating pain, bed ridden, losing days of work due, unable to walk or function normally. Convinced my menstrual cycle was triggering my crisis. I have not had a pain episode since I started taking EvenFlo.
Robin L.
I have sickle cell trait and your products have helped me tremendously. Thank you very much Robin
Louis P.
I ordered EvenFlo and I'm very please with the results. Very pleased with the customer service.
Sakeena Haamid S.
My son use to have pain crisis every month but since we started him on the evenflo there has been no pain. His quality of life is back. I love evenflo and will continue to buy.
Ashley N.
Amazing with helping my daughter in a crisis
Priscille M.
Even Flo literally saved my son’s life! He started having crisis at 18months and since then we were admitted in the hospital every 2weeks. It was so heartbreaking to see him so small and experiencing this kind of pain. And then we heard about evenflo ! It took him 2months for his body to get used to it and since then no more crisis. He is now 3years old and have no more crisis and no more hospital admissions. We are so grateful to everyone contributing to this excellent product. I wish the world could be aware that it’s now possible with EvenFlo to leave a normal life having sickle cell. Thank you
Taneesha W.
I started taking these last month. I do not have SCD but I have SCT. I fly each week which racks havoc on my body. My first long distance trip I came back but felt lethargic the next two days. I was only doing one a day and then increased to 2x a day the day prior. The trip the next week I increased my dosage to 2 capsules twice daily for the days prior to flying and upon arriving back. No exhaustion, no muscle cramps, no joint aches and pain. I did notice pains in my feet but it was bearable. I am ordering three more bottles to get me thru my next few months of flying. I will continue the two pills a day regimine as it worked the best for me.
Kindiana T.
Yes indeed this product is amazing my son been using this for the past 7 years and it’s been keeping us out of hospital
Constance M.
My daughter looks very healthy she has been on Evenflo for 3yrs 4months. Even when she has a crisis I can easily manage it at home with Evenflo
Goddy O.
The even flo is very good for my son, he has not been having crisis as before since he started using it.